Indigenous Relations

More resources to support our Journey Through Advent

Written by the Chancery of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Victoria | Dec 15, 2021 8:18:38 PM

Throughout this Advent season, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has invited us to participate in Journey through Advent 2021 – Towards Healing & Reconciliation. Now, more resources are available to support the journey.

Every week since the Feast of Christ the King, the CCCB has released a reflection on the Gospel Reading for that Sunday. The reflections are meant for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous Catholics as we continue to walk together, and are based on the five essential stages of reconciliation: examen, confession, repentance, making amends, and reconciliation.

In addition to the reflections, Journey through Advent 2021 now also offers more resources for each week: historical perspectives on the theme of the video; biographical information on significant people from the time period; and a prayer that families may use at meals. The site also has suggestions for a way to use the videos and the educational resources together to deepen reflection on each theme. To view or download all the material, please visit:

Advent can be a busy time. But even after it’s over, our hope and anticipation for the coming of our Saviour will continue; so too will our need for healing and reconciliation. For people who don’t have the opportunity to explore these reflections and related information before Christmas, perhaps they could become a New Year’s resolution?

Lord Jesus, may our celebration of your coming at Christmas open our hearts to the ways you come into our lives every day, bringing the love and peace that are so necessary for healing and reconciliation. Come, Lord Jesus, come!