On July 24, 1846, the Diocese of Vancouver Island was established, including Vancouver Island, the adjacent islands, New Caledonia (i.e., the British Columbia Mainland), the Queen Charlotte Islands, and Alaska, with the bishop residing in Victoria.The Diocese was raised to the status of an Archdiocese on June 19, 1903. The name was changed to Victoria on September 6, 1904. It was returned to the status of a Diocese on October 1, 1908.
The largest city in our Diocese is Victoria, located at the southern end of Vancouver Island. Almost 80,000 persons in our geographic area listed themselves as Roman Catholic in the 2021 civic census; nearly 8,900 families are registered with parishes in the Diocese and of that number, 73% are active in their parish community. The Diocese is blessed with a variety of cultures and provides Masses in English, Croatian, French, Hungarian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
The Diocese of Victoria is situated in traditional Indigenous territories. There are three distinct linguistic groups in the Diocese (the Nuu-chah-nulth, the Coast Salish, and the Kwakwaka’wakw), together encompassing 50 Nations, plus six Métis communities. The Diocese is deeply and particularly committed to real and tangible efforts of healing and reconciliation with Indigenous People. We follow our Holy Father’s historic lead on the path of repentance and dialogue on which he journeyed during his visit to Canada in July 2022.
The current Bishop is the Most Reverend Gary Gordon.
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