- 9727 Elm Street, Chemainus, BC
- Mailing address: Box 610, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A4
- Phone: (250) 245-3414
- Email: allsaintsparish@rcdvictoria.org
View Parishes on Map
All Saints (Chemainus)
English, Cowichan Valley & Gulf Islands
All Saints (Ladysmith)
English, Cowichan Valley & Gulf Islands
- 1135 4th Avenue Box 610
- Ladysmith BC V9G 1A4
- Phone: (250) 245-3414
- Email: allsaintsparish@rcdvictoria.org
Christ The King
Courtenay & Campbell River, English
- 1599 Tunner Dr
- Courtenay, BC V9N 8N3
- Phone: (250) 334-4716
- Email: christtheking@rcdvictoria.org
Church of the Ascension
Nanaimo & Parksville, English
- 887 Wembley Road
- Parksville BC, V9P 2E6
- Phone: (250) 248-3747
- Email: ascensionparish@shaw.ca
Holy Cross, Hornby Island
Nanaimo & Parksville, English
- 1840 Shingle Spit Road
- Hornby Island BC
- Phone: (250) 334-4716
- Email: ctkparish@shaw.ca
Holy Cross, Victoria
Greater Victoria, English
- 4049 Gordon Head Road
- Victoria, BC V8N 3X7
- Phone: (250) 477-5321
- Email: office@holycrossvictoria.org
Holy Family
Nanaimo & Parksville, West Coast, English
- 1663 Peninsula Road, PO Box 64
- Ucluelet BC, V0R 3A0
- Phone: (250) 726-4225
- Email: wcc@rcdvictoria.org
Holy Family Notre Dame
Nanaimo & Parksville, West Coast, English, Croatian
- 4731 Burke Road
- Port Alberni BC, V9Y 5P1
- Phone: (250) 723-8912
- Email: hfnd@rcdvictoria.org
Holy Trinity
Nanaimo & Parksville, English, Croatian, Korean
- 6234 Spartan Road
- Nanaimo BC V9T 2N9
- Phone: (250) 390-2612
- Email: holytrinity@rcdvictoria.org
Our Lady of Assumption
English, North Island
- 65 Hemlock Street, PO Box 196
- Alert Bay BC V0N 2A0
- Phone: (250) 949-6524
Our Lady of Fatima
Greater Victoria, English, Portuguese, Spanish
- 4635 Elk Lake Drive
- Victoria, BC V8Z 5M2
- Phone: (250) 658-1587
- Email: olfvictoria@shaw.ca
Our Lady of Grace, Salt Spring Island
English, Cowichan Valley & Gulf Islands
- 135 Drake Road
- Salt Spring Island BC V8K 2K8
- Phone: (250) 537-2150
- Email: ourladyofgrace@shaw.ca
Our Lady of the Assumption
Greater Victoria, English
- 7742 West Saanich Road
- Saanichton BC V8M 1R7
- Phone: (250) 656-7433
- Email: spparish@shaw.ca
Our Lady of the Rosary
Greater Victoria, English
- Langford BC
- Phone: (250) 478-3482
- Email: olorchurch@rcdvictoria.org
Our Lady of Victory Mission, Gabriola Island
Nanaimo & Parksville, English
- 3380 South Road
- Gabriola Island BC V0R 1X7
- Phone: (250) 753-3570
- Email: olvmissionchurch@shaw.ca
Our Lady Queen Of Peace
Greater Victoria, English, Hungarian, Latin
- 849 Old Esquimalt Road
- Victoria BC V9A 4W9
- Phone: (250) 384-3884
- Email: office@qop.ca
Sacred Heart
Greater Victoria, English, Korean, Polish
- 4040 Nelthorpe Street
- Victoria BC V8X 2A1
- Phone: (250) 479-1611
- Email: sacredheart@rcdvictoria.org
Greater Victoria, French
- 307 Richmond Avenue
- Victoria BC V8S 3Y2
- Phone: (250) 656-7433
- Email: rhasenack@rcdvictoria.org
St. Andrew's Cathedral
Greater Victoria, English
- 740 View Street
- Victoria, BC V8W 1J8
- Phone: (250) 388-5571
- Email: standrewscathedral@gmail.com
St. Ann’s
English, Cowichan Valley & Gulf Islands, First Nations Ministry
- 1775 Tzouhalem Road
- Duncan BC V9L 5L6
- Phone: (250) 746-6831
- Email: stedwardparish@rcdvictoria.org
St. Bernadette’s
Courtenay & Campbell River, English
- PO Box 67
- Sayward BC V0P 1R0
- Phone: (250) 287-3498
- Email: stpatricks-cr@rcdvictoria.org
St. Bonaventure
English, North Island
- 4750 Byng Road, PO Box 174
- Port Hardy BC V0N 2P0
- Phone: (250) 949-6524
St. Edward the Confessor
English, Cowichan Valley & Gulf Islands
- 2085 Maple Bay Road
- Duncan BC V9L 5L9
- Phone: (250) 746-6831
- Email: stedwardparish@rcdvictoria.org
St. Elizabeth’s
Greater Victoria, English, First Nations Ministry
- 10030 Third Street
- Sidney BC V8L 3B3
- Phone: (250) 656-7433
- Email: spparish@shaw.ca
St. Francis of Assisi
West Coast, English
- 441 Main Street, PO Box 180
- Tofino BC V0R 3A0
- Phone: (250) 726-4225
- Email: wcc@rcdvictoria.org
St. Francis Xavier
English, Cowichan Valley & Gulf Islands
- 790 Kilmalu Road, PO Box 370
- Mill Bay BC V0R 2P0
- Phone: (250) 743-1688
- Email: office@sfxmillbay.ca
St. Joseph the Worker
Greater Victoria, English
- 753 West Burnside Road
- Victoria BC V8Z 1M9
- Phone: (250) 479-7413
- Email: sjtwparish@rcdvictoria.org
St. Joseph’s Mission, Mayne Island
English, Cowichan Valley & Gulf Islands
- 360 Georgina Point Road
- Mayne Island BC
- Phone: (250) 537-2150
- Email: ourladyofgrace@shaw.ca
St. Joseph’s, Tahsis
English, North Island
- 744 Nootka Road, PO Box 287
- Tahsis BC V0P 1X0
- Phone: (250) 287-3498
- Email: stpatricks-cr@rcdvictoria.org
St. Lawrence of Ahousaht
West Coast, English, First Nations Ministry
- Village of Ahousaht
- Flores Island BC
- Phone: (250) 726-4225
- Email: wcc@rcdvictoria.org
St. Leopold Mandic
Greater Victoria, Nanaimo & Parksville, West Coast, Croatian
- 4081 Gordon Head Road
- Victoria BC V8N 3X7
- Email: stleopoldparish@rcdvictoria.org
St. Louis De Montfort
English, Cowichan Valley & Gulf Islands
- 60 Fern Road, PO Box 39
- Lake Cowichan BC V0R 2G0
- Email: stedwardparish@rcdvictoria.org
St. Mary’s, Port McNeill
English, North Island
- 430 Chapel Street, PO Box 302
- Port McNeill BC V0N 2R0
- Phone: (250) 949-6524
St. Patrick’s, Campbell River
Courtenay & Campbell River, English
- 34 South Alder Street
- Campbell River BC V9W 2M8
- Phone: (250) 287-3498
- Email: stpatricks-cr@rcdvictoria.org
St. Patrick’s, Victoria
Greater Victoria, English, Vietnamese
- 2060 Haultain Street
- Victoria, BC V8R 2L7
- Phone: (250) 592-7391
- Email: stpat190@telus.net
St. Paul’s, Fulford Harbour
English, Cowichan Valley & Gulf Islands
- 2719 Fulford-Ganges Road
- Salt Spring Island BC V8K 1Z3
- Phone: (250) 537-2150
- Email: ourladyofgrace@shaw.ca
St. Peter & St. Paul
English, North Island
- 402 Cedar Crescent
- Gold River BC V0P 1G0
- Phone: (250) 287-3498
- Email: stpatricks-cr@rcdvictoria.org
St. Peter's
Nanaimo & Parksville, English
- 301 Machleary Street
- Nanaimo BC V9R 2G8
- Phone: (250) 753-3570
- Email: stpeters@rcdvictoria.org
St. Rose of Lima
Greater Victoria, English
- 2191 Townsend Road
- Sooke BC V9Z 0H4
- Phone: (250) 642-3945
- Email: info@strosesooke.com
St. Teresa’s Chapel
English, Cowichan Valley & Gulf Islands
- 4705 Buccaneers Road
- Pender Island BC
- Phone: (250) 629-6029
- Email: stteresachapel@gmail.com
St. Theresa’s
English, North Island
- Nigei Street, PO Box 811
- Port Alice BC V0N 2N0
- Phone: (250) 949-6524