Honouring Outstanding Teachers and Parish Catechists
The Diocese of Victoria and Island Catholic Schools is pleased to announce the establishment of the Char Deslippe Memorial Endowment Fund to provide an annual award in Char's honour.
Annually, $500 will be awarded to a teacher working for Island Catholic Schools
or a catechist serving in a parish within the Diocese of Victoria, who displays outstanding dedication and commitment to religious education, and handing on of our faith.
We are delighted to announce that Kathleen Seu has been selected as the recipient of the 2024 Char Deslippe Memorial Endowment Award. This prestigious honour recognizes Kathleen’s exceptional dedication and contributions to the life of her parish community.
Past winners of the award include:
- 2020: Tanya Taft
- 2021: Terri-Ann Wynans
- 2022: Yolande Greenberg and Marie Peeters-Ney
- 2023: Christine James and Carmelle Whiteley
2024 Recipient:
At Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Kathleen Seu plays an active role in various ministries that enrich the spiritual and communal life of the parish. In the music ministry, she serves by playing the organ at the English Mass and singing at the Spanish Mass, adding beauty and reverence to the liturgy. Every Thursday, she leads the singing of the Divine Mercy Chaplet during adoration, fostering a spirit of prayer and devotion among parishioners.
As part of the catechist team, Kathleen teaches faith formation and sacramental preparation. This year, she and her team are guiding 40 children and youth as they prepare for the sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. Beyond teaching, Kathleen helps organize and support the parish’s traditional religious processions, such as those for the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima and the Holy Spirit Festival, ensuring these beloved celebrations are meaningful and well-coordinated. At Christmas, the catechist team hosts a children's Christmas Party, a joyful occasion for all the parish children.
Kathleen plans to use part of the bursary to purchase supplemental resources and art supplies for her catechism class and set aside the rest for professional development to further grow in her ministry.
(Bishop Gary Gordon awards Kathleen Seu the Char Deslippe Memorial Award at
the Diocese of Victoria's 2024 Faith Day at St. Edward the Confessor Parish in Duncan, BC.)
2025 Nominations:
Nominations for 2025 are open. Start thinking of a teacher or catechist who displays outstanding enthusiasm and creativity in passing on the Catholic faith! Parish and school communities within the Diocese of Victoria are invited to consider and submit names of teachers or parish catechists to the Diocesan Award Committee for consideration. The award recipient will be announced at a Diocesan event.
Donations to the Memorial Fund are now being accepted. More than $5,500 has been donated already!
Click here to donate online
To nominate a teacher or catechist,
please scroll down to the form below.
- a teacher or a parish catechist serving in children, youth or adult ministry
- at least two years of service, either in a parish within the Diocese of Victoria or in one of the Island Catholic Schools
- active in the practice of their Faith in their local parish
- display outstanding or exceptional knowledge and understanding of the Faith
- display outstanding or exceptional diligence and creativity in conveying the Faith
- display outstanding or exceptional example, enthusiasm, compassion, and inclusion
- nominated by either pastor, their principal, their head catechist, or a colleague
April 1
Information circulated to parish and school communities
July 15
Nomination deadline and Diocesan Award Committee reviews nominations
Award recipient announced
Charlotte Deslippe
(1939 – 2018)
An outstanding innovative and passionate life‐long educator, Char Deslippe (1939 ‐ 2018) was a master teacher who began teaching high school at the age of 19. Over her career Char taught all ages and at all levels, from elementary pupils to university students.
Having obtained her B.A. in History and English, Char began her teaching career in Iowa as a young Religious, as well as continuing to study at Loyola University in Chicago. She would go on to earn a Master’s degree in Religious Education from the University of Detroit, and following discernment, decided to leave religious life with the blessing of the Community. Following her marriage to Bob and moving to Alberta, Char continued her studies at the University of Calgary, becoming certified by the Alberta Department of Education, she taught with Bob at Father Patrick Mercredi Community High School in Fort McMurray while raising their two daughters.
Char then relocated to Victoria with her family following her Principal, Peter Hobbs, who had been hired in Victoria as Superintendent of Catholic Schools. Char then began what was to become a twenty‐year dedicated commitment to Island Catholic Schools and the Diocese of Victoria.
Char’s influence on catechetics and Catholic education in the Diocese of Victoria and beyond is truly remarkable. In addition to teaching over the years, Char was responsible for developing Diocesan Family Life and catechetical curriculum for the elementary and secondary levels; writing religious education curricula for the provinces of Alberta, Ontario and British Columbia; developing a liturgy manual for Island Catholic Schools; leading high school students on a number of Habitat for Humanity projects; coordinating and leading World Youth Day participants; and teaching courses for St. Mark’s College at UBC. Taking a leave of absence for a year, Char and Bob also served as missionary teachers at St. Joseph’s School in Keren, Eritrea with the Del La Salle Brothers.
Over the years, Char coordinated a number of committees at the Diocesan level, served on the Board of Directors for Island Catholic Schools, served on provincial and national teaching and religious education committees, co‐authored a world religions textbook for the Alberta Government, developed, and was the recipient of numerous awards and honours including the Benemerenti Papal Medal for service to the Church.
Char was known for her engaging, outgoing personality, her devotion to the Faith, to the Church and to Catholic Education. She displayed remarkable energy, enthusiasm and generosity, was dedicated to and disciplined in her craft, and was inclusive and passionate about those she taught and with whom she worked.
To nominate someone for the Char Deslippe Memoriam Award, please fill in the form below.
Nomination Form for the Char Deslippe Memorial Award
Blessed Marie Anne Blondin Bursary
The Diocese of Victoria is now administering the Blessed Marie Anne Blondin Bursary which was established by the Sisters of St. Ann in honour of their foundress.
- A lay woman of the Diocese of Victoria
- Acceptance in a program or course for ministry in the Church, whether that be religious education, liturgy, social justice, social action, care of the sick, or other
- Demonstrated financial need to take advantage of the program in order to help her to become healthy and self-sufficient
- Demonstration of good citizenship and active participation in parish life
- Preference will be given to individuals who are not employed by the Diocese of Victoria, Island Catholic Schools, or parishes within the Diocese of Victoria.
Items to Complete & Submit:
- Application form
- An application letter explaining how you meet the criteria, including:
- your community involvement and service activities
- your accomplishments, awards and relevant activities
- a brief explanation of your (or your family’s) financial needs
Please submit the above by July 15 to:
Roman Catholic Diocese of Victoria
1 – 4044 Nelthorpe Street
Victoria, BC V8X 2A1
(250) 479-1331
To apply for the Blessed Marie Ann Blondin bursary, please fill in the form below.
Jawl Bundon Bursary Application
Jawl & Bundon Bursary
The Diocese of Victoria is pleased to announce the Jawl & Bundon $2,500 Bursary for a graduating Catholic student in the Diocese of Victoria.
- A grade 12 Catholic student from the Diocese of Victoria
- Acceptance in a post-secondary institution
- Demonstration of good citizenship
- Preference will be given to students who live outside of Greater Victoria and
- Nanaimo
- Preference will be given to First Nations students
Items to Complete & Submit
- Application form
- Letter of recommendation from your parish priest
- Certification of Post Secondary acceptance or registration
- An application letter explaining how you meet the criteria, including:
- your community involvement and service activities
- your accomplishments, awards and relevant activities
- your post-secondary plans
- a brief explanation of your (or your family’s) financial needs
Please submit the above, by July 15 to
Catholic Diocese of Victoria
1 – 4044 Nelthorpe Street
Victoria, BC V8X 2A1
Fax: (250) 479-5423
Have Questions?
Please contact the Diocese of Victoria at (250) 479-1331.
To apply for the Jawl Bundon LLP Bursary, please complete the form below.
Jawl Bundon LLP Bursary Application
Victoria Diocesan CWL Bursary in memory of Freda Smith
$750 Bursary awarded annually to a Catholic student graduating from a secondary school or a home schooling program within the Diocese of Victoria who plans on pursuing further education at a post secondary institution. Applications are available from Secondary School Counsellors or parish CWL members. Application deadline: April 15.
Click here to access the CWL Diocesan Website
BC & Yukon Life Members Art and Culture Bursary
$500 Bursary available to any Catholic son and/or grandson or daughter and /or granddaughter of a Catholic Women's League member who is involved in and/or entering the field or arts and culture. Applications are available at: https://bcyukoncwl.com/resources/bursaries. Application deadline: March 31.
Bishop Thomas J.Lobsinger OMI Memorial Bursary
The Bishop Thomas J. Lobsinger OMI Memorial Bursary is available to all Catholic students residing in the province of British Columbia, Canada.
Application information may be found on the Knights of Columbus' website: www.kofcbc.org.
Deadline for application is June 30.
Holy Cross Parish Bursaries
Fr. Leo Roberts Bursary
Deadline: mid-May
This Bursary is available to a practicing Catholic who is involved in their parish community, and is facing family difficulties or financial hardship. Applicants should demonstrate strong academic marks and experience in community involvement and volunteer work. This will be awarded to a full-time student at a post secondary institution, college or trade school.
The Bursary is for $2,000 per year, renewable up to three additional years, based on need.
To apply, please submit a one-page essay (maximum 250 words) stating you career objectives, accomplishments, community and volunteer involvement, and describing why you require financial assistance. The essay may be emailed to Fr. William Hann, Holy Cross Parish, or mailed to:
Fr. William Hann
Holy Cross Parish
4049 Gordon Head Road
Victoria BC V8N 3X7
Joseph B. Jackson Bursary
One or more Bursaries are awarded to full or part-time undergraduate single parents who are members of Holy Cross Parish studying at the University of Victoria. If there are no single parent applicants from Holy Cross Parish, the Bursaries may be awarded to students who are members of Holy Cross Parish. If there are no students who meet the previous criteria, the award may be given to any single parent student. Application for the Joseph B. Jackson Bursary may be made on-line to Student Financial Aid Services at the University of Victoria. Selection will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards. Further information may be found at http://uvic.ca/registrar/safa.
Holy Cross Catholic Church Bursary
The Parishioners of Holy Cross Catholic Church established this Bursary Endowment Fund in 1994. The recipients(s) of this annual bursary will be enrolled full time in a Diploma or Credit Program at Camosun College maintaining a satisfactory academic standing. The recipient(s) should be a resident of Greater Victoria or the Southern Gulf Islands.
Preference will firstly be given to single parents who are members of Holy Cross Parish, and secondly, to other Roman Catholic Parishes in Greater Victoria or the Southern Gulf Islands. If there are no successful applicants the bursary will be awarded to any student in any program on the basis of financial need and satisfactory standing. Application should be made online directly with the Financial Aid office in September or January. Click on the Holy Cross and/or other Roman Catholic Parish checkbox.
The web site is:
http://camosun.ca/services/financial-aid/. The e-mail address is: financialaid@camosun.bc.ca
Donations will be gratefully acknowledged and may also be made in the name/memory of a loved one. Donations are eligible for the Charitable Tax Credit and may be made directly to UVic or Camosun or through Holy Cross Parish.
For more information
Holy Cross Catholic Parish
Attn: Bursary Committee
4049 Gordon Head Road
Victoria BC V8N 3X7
Phone: (250) 477-5321 Fax: (250) 721-1844
Char Deslippe Memorial Award for Religious Education
Honouring Outstanding Teachers and Parish Catechists
The Diocese of Victoria and Island Catholic Schools is pleased to announce the establishment of the Char Deslippe Memorial Endowment Fund to provide an annual award in Char's honour.
Annually, $500 will be awarded to a teacher working for Island Catholic Schools or a catechist serving in a parish within the Diocese of Victoria, who displays outstanding dedication and commitment to religious education, and handing on of our faith.
Nominations will open in April 2019. Start thinking of a teacher or catechist who displays outstanding enthusiasm and creativity in passing on the Catholic faith! Parish and school communities within the Diocese of Victoria are invited to consider and submit names of teachers or parish catechists to the Diocesan Award Committee for consideration. The award recipient will be announced at a Diocesan event.
Donations to the Memorial Fund are now being accepted. More than $5,500 has been donated already!
Click here to donate online
To nominate a teacher or catechist,
please scroll down to the form below.
- a teacher or a parish catechist serving in children, youth or adult ministry
- at least two years of service, either in a parish within the Diocese of Victoria or in one of the Island Catholic Schools
- active in the practice of their Faith in their local parish
- display outstanding or exceptional knowledge and understanding of the Faith
- display outstanding or exceptional diligence and creativity in conveying the Faith
- display outstanding or exceptional example, enthusiasm, compassion, and inclusion
- nominated by ether pastor, their principal, their head catechist, or a colleague
April 1
Information circulated to parish and school communities
July 15
Nomination deadline and Diocesan Award Committee reviews nominations
Award recipient announced
Charlotte Deslippe
(1939 – 2018)
An outstanding innovative and passionate life‐long educator, Char Deslippe (1939 ‐ 2018) was a master teacher who began teaching high school at the age of 19. Over her career Char taught all ages and at all levels, from elementary pupils to university students.
Having obtained her B.A. in History and English, Char began her teaching career in Iowa as a young Religious, as well as continuing to study at Loyola University in Chicago. She would go on to earn a Master’s degree in Religious Education from the University of Detroit, and following discernment, decided to leave religious life with the blessing of the Community. Following her marriage to Bob and moving to Alberta, Char continued her studies at the University of Calgary, becoming certified by the Alberta Department of Education, she taught with Bob at Father Patrick Mercredi Community High School in Fort McMurray while raising their two daughters.
Char then relocated to Victoria with her family following her Principal, Peter Hobbs, who had been hired in Victoria as Superintendent of Catholic Schools. Char then began what was to become a twenty‐year dedicated commitment to Island Catholic Schools and the Diocese of Victoria.
Char’s influence on catechetics and Catholic education in the Diocese of Victoria and beyond is truly remarkable. In addition to teaching over the years, Char was responsible for developing Diocesan Family Life and catechetical curriculum for the elementary and secondary levels; writing religious education curricula for the provinces of Alberta, Ontario and British Columbia; developing a liturgy manual for Island Catholic Schools; leading high school students on a number of Habitat for Humanity projects; coordinating and leading World Youth Day participants; and teaching courses for St. Mark’s College at UBC. Taking a leave of absence for a year, Char and Bob also served as missionary teachers at St. Joseph’s School in Keren, Eritrea with the Del La Salle Brothers.
Over the years, Char coordinated a number of committees at the Diocesan level, served on the Board of Directors for Island Catholic Schools, served on provincial and national teaching and religious education committees, co‐authored a world religions textbook for the Alberta Government, developed, and was the recipient of numerous awards and honours including the Benemerenti Papal Medal for service to the Church.
Char was known for her engaging, outgoing personality, her devotion to the Faith, to the Church and to Catholic Education. She displayed remarkable energy, enthusiasm and generosity, was dedicated to and disciplined in her craft, and was inclusive and passionate about those she taught and with whom she worked.