Annual Appeal
Our Annual Appeal funds ministries and services throughout the Diocese of Victoria. With your help, our parishes are ready, willing and able to serve others, from supporting refugees to improving buildings and properties. We assist smaller parish and mission communities in practical and necessary ways, ‘keeping the lights on’ so we can welcome the faithful and help those in need.
Donate Online
Charity is of the essence of the Church according to our Holy Father Benedict XVI in his first Encyclical entitled Deus Caritas Est (God is Love). To support ministry in the Diocese of Victoria you can make an online donation by visiting our location on the CanadaHelps web site.
Estate planning is the process of anticipating and arranging, during your life, for the management and disposal of your estate during your life, and after death. Prudent estate planning can help maximize the value of your estate by reducing taxes and other expenses, and it can provide instructions to your heirs. A Will, the most common estate planning tool, is a legal document that contains directions regarding the distribution of your estate among the persons or charities that you may want to benefit. It names a representative(s) chosen by you (the “Executor”) who will be responsible for carrying out the terms of your Will.