Celebrating Success: 2022 Report

Local Parish Projects

The 2022 Bishop’s Appeal, Growing Together, collected $727,000 in donations. Each year, at least twenty percent of Appeal proceeds are returned to parishes. In 2022, $65,000 was spent on Appeal related expenses and $162,000 was given to parishes who used their portions in meaningful ways.

Diocesan Projects

Growing Together dedicated funds to support Catholics of all generations while striving to heal and grow the Church. Diocesan projects included:

  • $60,000 for Parish Community and Relationship Building Grants
  • $325,000 for the Catholic Schools Capital Plan
  • $65,000 for Clergy and Seminarian Support
  • $50,000 for Indigenous Community and Relationship Building

Support for Local Mission Parishes

One of the goals of the Bishop's Annual Appeal is to support our local mission parishes.  Click here for an update from Our Lady of Victory Mission on Gabriola Island about on how the Appeal has helped their community:

Warm Thanks from Our Lady of Victory Mission

Parish Community and Relationship Building Events

As part of the 2022 Appeal, Parishes could apply for grants from the Diocese to undertake projects that support community and relationship building. Grant funds are still available:

Click here for the Parish Community Building Grant Application Form

Some wonderful events have taken place to date:

Hamper Volunteers(1)$5000 was granted to Christ the King to facilitate the creation of a food hamper plan to support local Ukrainian families.


$12,860.18 was reimbursed to Holy Cross Parish for their Called and Gifted workshop.

Hula Dancers 16 June 2023

$2500 was provided to Sacred Heart Parish to host a meal for the Feast of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.  


For more information about these and other events, visit


Current Year's Results  

The 2023 Bishop’s Appeal received total pledges of $803,770. This is 95% of the Diocesan goal. Thanks to our generous donors the Appeal saw an increase in both pledge amounts and participation from the previous year, and broke the downwards trend in donations that started in 2017.

Funds from the 2023 Appeal will be used to support parish community and relationship building, local mission parishes, clergy, sisters, seminarians, and vocations. Bishop’s Appeal Grants have supported many wonderful community projects over the last year and continues to accept grant applications for funds to complete projects.

Prior Years' Results  

Prior Years' Results (2010 – 2023)

Appeal previous results 2010-2023

Appeal Year
# of Pledges
2023 Tapestry of Faith $803,772 2009
2022 Growing Together $740,380  1946
2021 Sprit of Hope, Healing and Reconciliation $885,857 2061
2020 Horizon of Hope $889,915 2165
2019 Imagine $916,265 2492
2018 Serve One Another $926,029 2,579
2017 Grateful to God ... Generous to Neighbour $1,043,893 2,811
2016 Rock the Mission! $1,301,045 2,844
2015 i share, we care $918,835 2,659
2014 As a Family, As a Church $856,854 2,434
2013 In Proportion to our Blessings $772,910 2,238
2012 Forward with Courage $844,205 2,367
2011 On Our Way $1,078,372 2,580
2010 Journey of Hearts & Hands $1,214,140 2,455


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Accoradtion Demo. One of the best ways you can learn about the Catholic Faith is to contact a Catholic parish near you to let them know that you are interested in learning more about the Faith. You can also explore an Overview of Catholic Teaching on our website, or consult the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

One of the best ways you can learn about the Catholic Faith is to contact a Catholic parish near you to let them know that you are interested in learning more about the Faith. You can also explore an Overview of Catholic Teaching on our website, or consult the Catechism of the Catholic Church.