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News from the Chancery - April 12, 2024

Apr 12, 2024 9:46:47 AM

News from the Chancery is published each week to share information and upcoming events with the people of the Diocese of Victoria.

We have 2 items to share with you this week:

1) After prayerful discernment, Bishop Gary Gordon, in collaboration with the Diocesan Personnel Committee, has announced new pastoral appointments to take effect June 15, 2024.  The appointments may be viewed online at ​

2) A “Love and Respect” marriage retreat will be held at St. Joseph the Worker Parish in Victoria (753 Burnside Rd W) in May.  Come and embark on a wonderful adventure - as we spend time viewing and discussing videos, we will be answering three major questions:  Why do we negatively react to each other in marriage?  How do I best motivate my spouse?  What if my spouse does not respond to me? The retreat will be held over five Thursday evenings from 7 – 9 pm, starting on May 2nd.  Please register in advance at ​


the Chancery of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Victoria

Written by the Chancery of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Victoria

The Chancery serves as the administrative office of the Bishop and the Diocese. We support Catholic parishes, schools, and communities by providing services, resources, and ministries.

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