News from the Chancery is published each week to share information and upcoming events with the people of the Diocese of Victoria.
We have 5 items to share with you this week:
1) Bishop Gary Gordon will celebrate a special Mass at 4:00 pm on Saturday, March 16 in honour of the dedication of those who work or volunteer in health care. Everyone is invited to participate, either in person at Sacred Heart Church in Victoria (4040 Nelthorpe St, Victoria, BC), or via livestream at A reception will follow in the parish hall for those attending in person.
2) All people of the Diocese of Victoria are invited to join in the celebration of the Chrism Mass on Thursday, March 21 at 7:00 pm. At this yearly liturgy, sacred oils are blessed and given to representatives from each parish in the diocese. These will be presented in each church on Holy Thursday and used during the coming year for Baptisms, Confirmations, and Anointings of the Sick. This year’s Chrism Mass will be celebrated at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Victoria (740 View Street), and also livestreamed at
3) This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Diocesan Family Camp. This year's theme is "On the Way Together", and the guest speakers will be Bishop Gary Gordon, Sr. John Mary Sullivan (Associate Director of Ministries and Outreach for the Archdiocese of Vancouver) and Joelle Dressler (Director of Faith Formation and Evangelization for the Diocese of Victoria). The camp will run from August 15 – 18 in Nanoose Bay. Please save the date – more information will be coming soon.
4) The Catholic Independent Schools of the Nelson Diocese are seeking a passionate and experienced individual to serve as Principal at St. Michael’s Elementary school in Trail, BC. For more information and to apply, please visit
5) Applications are now being accepted for “Hope on the Horizon”, an outreach and leadership program to be held in Vancouver this summer from April 6 – 21. Coordinated by the Archdiocese of Vancouver in collaboration with Catholic Street Missionaries, the program is designed to introduce young people aged 19 – 30 to the life of a street missionary, sharing a life of prayer and service with others who go out into the streets bringing the love of Jesus to the homeless. For more information and to apply, please visit