A Life Insurance policy is one way to maximize a gift to the Catholic Church.  It enables you to make a significant, lasting impact at a relatively low cost.

There are many options available. Some provide you with tax savings in life and others do so as part of your estate. A financial advisor could explain the benefits of the various options and which option is most advantageous to you.

Gifting life insurance has become a common and popular option because: 

  • The amount of the gift may be larger than you might otherwise be able to afford.
  • The death benefit from an insurance policy can be structured to avoid the probate process.
  • Since the gift can be kept outside of a Will, it provides the donor with some privacy that wouldn’t be available if the gift were made through a Will.
  • The donor may be entitled to an immediate tax benefit, depending on the ownership and beneficiary designations.
  • The gift is difficult to challenge.

Depending on your specific objectives and whether or not you want an immediate or deferred tax benefit, a life insurance policy can be structured in several ways. Speak to your lawyer or financial advisor to find out which is best for you.

Prior to making a donation or gift, we recommend that donors seek independent professional advice concerning the possible financial, taxation and legal consequences.

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Accoradtion Demo. One of the best ways you can learn about the Catholic Faith is to contact a Catholic parish near you to let them know that you are interested in learning more about the Faith. You can also explore an Overview of Catholic Teaching on our website, or consult the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

One of the best ways you can learn about the Catholic Faith is to contact a Catholic parish near you to let them know that you are interested in learning more about the Faith. You can also explore an Overview of Catholic Teaching on our website, or consult the Catechism of the Catholic Church.