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Bishop Gary Gordon's message for Share Lent 2024

Mar 5, 2024 12:05:44 PM

March 5, 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

As we continue our journey through Lent, I wish to draw your attention to the 2024 Share Lent Campaign. Share Lent is a time to highlight the mission of Development and Peace – Caritas Canada (DPCC), the official international solidarity organization of the Catholic Church in Canada. It provides an opportunity for the faithful to learn about the causes of poverty and injustice in the world, to pray and get involved for peace, and to give generously so DPCC may continue its work with the poorest and most marginalized in our human family.

This year’s campaign, “Reaping our Rights”, aims to build solidarity with small-scale farmers and peasant communities worldwide, recognizing their crucial role in global food production and rural development. Peasant communities face numerous challenges such as armed conflicts, land grabbing, and climate change, threatening their rights to land, water, justice, and a safe environment. The campaign seeks to raise awareness and advocate for the protection of these rights.

In line with Pope Francis' message of interconnectedness, Canadians are called to support peasants' rights globally. I encourage you to learn more about the Share Lent campaign at, and to donate as you are able on Solidarity Sunday, March 17th.

DPCC relies on your support for the success of the Share Lent campaign, which is vital to our ability as the Church in Canada to raise much needed funds to support those who suffer from poverty and injustice in the global south. Let us embody Christ's love through our generosity and solidarity, working towards righteousness and justice for all.

In Communion,

Most Reverend Gary Gordon
Bishop of Victoria

Click here for a printable version of this letter

Bishop Gary Gordon

Written by Bishop Gary Gordon

The Most Reverend Gary Gordon serves as Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Victoria.

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